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May 16, 2013

Would you rather? Beauty Edition

Would you rather? Beauty Edition | Fashiony Nails
Hello ladies. Today I thought I would do something different than my usual type of posts, something fun. I haven't done any kind of tag posts here on my blog and I actually do really enjoy reading such posts, so after reading Kayleigh's post I decided to do the Would you rather? beauty edition tag. Although this tag is more common on YouTube I decided to do a blog post instead of video.

I have played 'would you rather' with my friends in the past and there are many versions to choose from. It's actually a fun "game" where someone asks you a question and you have to choose between the 2 possible answers. Let's begin.

Would you rather lose all of your mascaras, eyeliners, lipsticks, and lip glosses or lose all of your palettes and eyeshadows?
Oh come on, why whoever made those questions up didn't include mascaras with the eyeshadows? Not fair! I love, love my eyeshadows and I don't care about lipsticks but I can't live without mascara. So I guess I would choose to loose my eyeshadows since I can use some eyeliners as eyeshadows too.

Would you rather chop off all your hair or never be able to cut it again?
Another tough one.  If I won't be able to cut it again then this means that the ends will be in bad condition after certain amount of time and I will get headaches when my hair will be super long. Also to chop it off is a scary option because I don't think I would look nice with short hair. But since I have to choose one, I would chop it off because it will grow back and look healthy, plus my hair grows fast.

Would you rather have a coral cheek or a pink cheek?
That's an easy one, coral hands down. I was never huge fan of pink blushes and I always tend to use corals although I have few pink blushes in my collection.

If you had £1000 to spend, Would you rather buy clothes or makeup?
Can I split in half and spend on both makeup and clothes? No? Ok. Since I have enough makeup I would go with clothes.

Would you rather apply lipstick as eyeliner, or eyeliner as lipstick?
Um really? I wouldn't do either but I would choose eyeliner as lipstick since I'm not big fan of lipsticks so I can easily skip it if I want haha.But honestly, I can't imagine someone using lipstick as eyeliner, not only the colors would look odd but how on earth a lipstick would stay on the lids? :/

Would you rather only shop at MAC or Sephora?
Definitely Sephora, purely because I like to have variety of brands to choose from. Also Sephora in Greece has some drugstore brands like Maybelline and L'oreal so I would have an option to buy some budget friendly makeup.

Would you rather only use one eyeshadow color or one lip color for the rest of your life?
As I mentioned before I'm not huge lipstick fan so I wouldn't mind wearing the same color that I like for the rest of my life. I don't think I would ever be able to use just one eyeshadow color! Nope noway!

Would you rather wear winter clothes in summer or summer clothes in winter?
Hmm...Well considering the fact that in winter the weather in Greece is usually not super cold I guess I could be fine wearing summer clothes. In summer,thought, the weather is too hot,specially in July and August; I don't think I could walk around in winter clothes.

Would you rather dark nails or bright nails all year round?
I tend to prefer wearing darker colors so I would definitely choose dark nails all year around.

Would you rather give up your favorite lip product or your favorite eye product?
Haha, another easy question. I wouldn't have problem to give up my favorite lip product for the reason I already mentioned like million times lol, I don't care about lipsticks or lip products in general.

Would you rather only be able to wear your hair in a pony tail or a messy bun?
I was never a fan of messy bun. As a matter of fact when it comes to styling my hair I don't like any kind of messy looks, I always want for it to look nice and sleek. So I would rather to wear my hair in a pony tail, besides there are quite few ways that you can style pony nail and make it look casual or dressy.

Would your rather never being able to paint your nails again or never use lip gloss?
What an easy question for me to answer, of course never use lip gloss. I don't even want to hear the phrase "never being able to paint your nails again". Me? not paint my nails? Are you kidding me? haha

Would you rather shave your eyebrows and have none at all? or sharpie them in everyday?
Sharpie them in everyday for sure. I would never ever shave my eyebrows! Do you even imagine the picture of you walking around with no eyebrows? Why would anybody shave them? That's just wrong! 

Would you rather live without makeup or nail polish?
After many easy ones, here we go again with tough question. I love both makeup and nail polishes! Ughh this question would be so much easier to answer if I had flawless skin :(  It's really hard to answer but I guess I would rather live without makeup and invest in good skincare products to make my skin look flawless.

Phew, this was definitely way harder to answer than I thought. There are some tough questions and some really easy ones for me but it was fun answering them. If you will write such post make sure to tweet me @AnneColt because I would love to read your answers.
What do you think of my answers?Let me know in the comments below!


  1. Ωραίο ποστ και ωραίο παιχνιδάκι!
    Η αγαπημένη μου ερώτηση;;;
    If you had £1000 to spend, Would you rather buy clothes or makeup?

    Η απάντησή μας σας chicates θα είναι τα ρούχα!!!

    1. Σ'ευχαριστώ, ναι έχουν πολύ πλάκα ερωτήσεις :)

  2. These look like some difficult questions to answer that is for sure ! Thanks for sharing :)

    Cherry ~~

  3. Πολύ ωραίο post και ερωτήσεις!


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