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July 22, 2012

MUA Blusher in Shade 2 Review

Hello my lovely readers,hope you  had a great weekend I did :)... First let me tell you that I wasn't interesting in blushes until recently. Pretty much always, even though I had few blushes, I almost never used them.Now since I started to like and wear blushes more I decided to try one from MUA.The MUA blushers come in 6 shades and they retail for just £1 each. The one I got is in shade 2.
MUA Blusher in Shade 2

The packaging is standard sleek black with transparent lid that many of MUA products have. I love the fact that the lid is transparent as you can easily see the color of the product. It contains 2,6 g of product,decent amount of product for £1. The only thing that annoys about the packging of my blusher is that the lid is loose and opens very easily. Now let's look at some more pictures.
*direct sunlight*
MUA Blusher in Shade 2
 *in shade*
MUA Blusher in Shade 2
 *direct sunlight*
MUA Blusher in Shade 2 swatches

 *in shade*

This is a pretty,soft pink color which will suit many skin tones. It's pigmented enough, I would say it has the perfect amount of pigment so you can easily control it while applying it and won't end up the bright pink cheeks. What I love is that this blusher is matte. I really hate when the blushes are shimmery because I want to be able to choose which areas of my face will be matte and which shimmery. It is a bit powdery but it blends very easily... On me,during summer,this blusher won't last for very long. It will last for about 4 hours,then it starts to disappear. 
Overall I would say it a very nice blusher and I will buy it again in the future.

Do you wear blushes? Which one is your favorite?


  1. I have just started buying MUA products. I love what I have so far! I still can't believe the blushes are only £1! That seems way too cheap, like the ingredients themselves cost more than that. xx

    1. Yeah their products are pretyy good,I love their eyeshadow palettes

  2. I like this one myself i do find them a little chalky but for £1 thats nothing to complain about is it :) :)

    1. Exactly,for £1 I think its one of the best blushes I've tried.

  3. I love the MUA blushes, so cheap but great quality!

  4. I love MUA blushes I own 3 of the shades ths being one of them, its one of my most used blushes

    Followed as part of the BBU Blog Hop

  5. I can't stop raving about MUA cosmetics! My latest order arrived last week and it's the first time I got to try their palettes..I'm in love! They don't smudge or crease and they do last all day long, I didn't even use an eye primer! I've got blushes #2 and #3 as well, but it's the exact opposite with mine, the lid closes so firmly I have to use my tweezers to open them haha xx

    1. Yeah I love many of their products too! Haha I guess it is just mine blush packaging :)


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