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July 16, 2012

FOTD: Summer Eyes

Before the actual post I would like to say 2 things. First of all,as you can see I'm now over 100 followers. I woke up today and saw that number and you can't imagine how happy I am, so big big thank you to all!!!
Also,for a while I was thinking of making either bloglovin' or hellocotton account so people who don't use GFC could also follow my blog.After asking on twitter what people prefer,I decided to create hellocotton. You can find my profile here and also there is a button on the left side of my blog.Now into the actual post.

Like I said in this post, lately I wanted to add some color for the eyemakeup instead of the typical neutrals.
The reason I named this post FOTD: Summer eyes is because the goldish yellow and the brown reminds me sand on the beach and the blue reminds sea, beach+sea=Summer :) .So here's my FOTD.


Lancome teint idole ultra 24h in Biege Diaphane
Revlon colorstay in natural beige as concealer
ELF HD Powder

Matt Bonzer
MUA Blusher in Shade 2

NYX round Lipstick in Ceto
Clear lipgloss

Elf Eyelid Primer
NYX Jumbo pencil in Milk
Shade 7 from the MUA Going for Gold to highlight
Shade 8 from the MUA Going for Gold on the lid
Shade 3 from the MUA Undressed Palette in the crease
Shade 5 from the MUA Undressed Palette in the outter corner(lightly)
Shade 10 from the MUA 24 Shade palette on lower lashline
MUA extreme felt eyeliner in black to line my upper lashline
Seventeen Longstay eyeline in No 14 on my waterline

Tomorrow or day after tomorrow I will post reviews for the Going for Gold palette and the extreme felt eyeliner so stay tuned :)
What do you think of this look?


  1. Thats an amazing eye makeup miss!! xx

  2. Love this look! I found you on blog hop, come and check it out

  3. Hey loving the blog found you on the bbu bloghop! please check out my blog xxx

  4. This is gorgeous on you!!!
    I'm gonna have to try this look.
    Great post!
    Saw you on BBU Blog Hop, but I already follow :) Had to come say hi! :)

  5. That gold is gorgeous, follwed back from the BBu blog hop

  6. I am in love with this look! You pull it off very well. I'm trying to use more colors, so I'll have to try something like this. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Also, I found you on the BBU hop and following :)

  7. Love this eye look, very pretty and summery! :) xo

  8. Love this!!!
    Really pretty.
    Found you through BlogHop

  9. Looks beautiful on you, love the pop of blue. xx

  10. Such a bright and fun look!:D


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